All you need to know about event-driven architecture and how it helps organizations

AVASOFT with their agile integration process and a team of Salesforce experts can help you improve the speed of your deliverables with an Event-Driven Architecture approach.
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Event Driven Architecture - Salesforce

Did you know that we produce trillions and quintillions of data every day? How do you think that’s processed and how about its tracking? When the apps are developed at a faster pace, it is essential to have a flexible application architecture that can adapt to changes quickly and provide insights instantly.  

Earlier, we had point-to-point integration which consumed a lot of time and was tightly coupled which led to the slow synthesis of data and scalability.   

Let us know what Event-Driven architecture is all about and how it helps organizations!  

What is Event-Driven architecture?   

It is a software architecture or a model for application designing that helps you to capture, communicate and process the events through an Event-Driven approach. Unlike the traditional request-driven model, which was long and time-consuming, EDA is instant and provides you solutions with deeper insights.   

Since Event-Driven is an approach basically and not a language, it can be created in any programming language for designing apps. The Event-Driven architecture has minimal coupling and makes up for a modern and distributed application architecture.   

What is an event?  

When there is a change in the hardware or the software system, an event occurs. An event can be generated from internal or external inputs. For instance, if it’s from a user it could be from a click of the mouse and if the event is from an external source, it could be a sensor output or anything beyond. The event can be responded to in real-time or as soon as it is received.   

To enable a relevant and correct response for the event, an Event-Driven system follows three essential components. To understand it better let’s know them with an example each. Imagine you are ordering an item online using an e-commerce site. Here’s how the entire process works.   

  • Event Producer– The event is created as ‘Check Out’ and sent to the Event Router. Here the customer places an order for something.   
  • Event Router- This makes the event available for the consumers that have subscribed to the ‘Check Out’ type of events. The customer’s order is been taken and moved further.   
  • Event Consumer- The event is taken by the consumers and is processed for further communication. Just like how the customer’s orders are processed for final communications, check the inventory, ship the products and provide the details, the final communication is done in this component.   

But how does Event-Driven architecture work?  

As we just read above, Event-Driven architecture is made up of Event Producers, Event Routers and Event Consumers. The Event Producer identifies and senses an event and gets transmitted to an event processing platform through an Event Router. The corresponding response is sent further to the consumers.   

Various data streaming platforms can help in publishing, subscribing, storing and processing an event in real-time. While selecting a platform it is important to check for high throughput and scalability.   

Benefits of Event-Driven architecture   

  • Loosely coupled: Event producers and the consumers aren’t directly coupled and hence are independent. The producer simply delivers the event to the router and it doesn’t know which consumer will respond to the particular event. As they are not dependent on each other for the work to process if one fails, others keep running and the process moves as expected.   
  • Scalable: Since there is no point-to-point integration, the process breakdown can be easily avoided. You can add new services to the system without any chaos.   
  • Agile environment: You don’t need to write any custom code for transmitting it to the consumers. Because it has an agile environment, you can add new services without impacting the existing ones.   
  • Low-cost: The overall cost is reduced and fewer network resources are used for processing the events as they are push-based and happens only when needed.   
  • Real-time situational awareness: The current and historical data is used to make decisions and it helps to predict and close down security threats while automating the supply chains.   

AVASOFT with their agile integration process and a team of Salesforce experts can help you improve the speed of your deliverables with an Event-Driven Architecture EDA approach. Check out our next blog for knowing when to use Event-Driven architecture and do check the use-case scenarios too! 

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