DEC/EDI to IBM integration platform migration

Our client is a leading 3PL logistics provider integrated one of the old platform DEC/EDI to manage their end customers, carriers and customs clearance which includes both A2A and B2B integration scenarios.
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Business Challenge

  • The client had the older platform components like Galaxy-Tool, Cockpit and Mapping Editor running in Laser Server to handle the Logistics integration. It causes unavailability of support due to the Legacy platform.
  • Their environment had a lack of transparency in viewing the logs for troubleshooting. It had minimal memory allocation which consequently reflects the performance in each transaction.
  • It supports only the minimal number of file formats like GIF & EDI. And in protocols, it supports only the asynchronous mechanisms like FTP & VAN
  • The virtual memory space were increased whenever the transaction count increases. Due to this the environment demanded frequent restarts.
  • Maintaining the DECEDI environment is troublesome because of the unavailability of proper visualization tool.

How Avasoft helped?

  • Suggested to migrate DEC/EDI to IBM platform with better configuration and support.
  • Migrated the Old Laser server to Linux RED Hat server in order to increase the performance.
  • Analyzed the list of active/inactive clients based on their file processing. It helped us to remove the unwanted project migrations to the new server.
  • Provided the support for both synchronous & asynchronous protocols for the message transactions.
  • We have provided the standard design analysis of IBM components like Sterling Integrator & IBM Integration bus for the new platform migration.
  • We have suggested Sterling Integrator for the communication setup configurations & Standard EDI business validation using Sterling maps and BPs.
  • Used IBM integration bus (IIB) for the database specific requirements, XML configurations & service oriented designs.
  • Suggested to use the database tables for code list instead of hard coding. Configured standard archival policies & error monitoring alerts to take the necessary action of failed files.

Tech Stack


Value Additions to Customer

  • Migrated the old Laser server to Linux RED Hat server with enough memory configurations
  • Provided support to add more trading partners to their profiles. More transparency and support in process
  • Setup the SYNC/ASYNC protocols with secured SHA-1 & SHA-2 algorithms for the file transactions
  • Improved performance and process and thereby saved cost and time.Provided support for all types of transactions & reused the common framework for carriers
  • Configured common monitoring environment like SCC for file traffic & server monitoring to avoid any business loss
  • Added effective error handling and archival process

Business Gain

  • Provided the efficient way to migrate the DECEDI projects to IBM
  • Reused the maps and specs as reference for time saving
  • Met Aggressive timelines
  • Ease of support for maintaining the projects
  • Documented the whole analysis and troubleshooting steps to define the guidelines for production support
  • Provided high reliable platform support for old migrations & new customer on-boarding

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