How we configured our Slack to Teams migration tool and fulfilled our client’s requirement?

We optimize our migration tool to fit in your needs and do the migration. Want to know how we resolved this for our client?
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How we configured our Slack to Teams migration tool and fulfilled our client’s requirement?

In this case study, we migrated the Slack channel conversation into the German language Office 365 tenant which the client was using. We also configured and tried to overcome the JSON response updates. Here’s how we did it.

Know our customer

Flixbus is a company in Germany that offers bus services in Europe, the United States and Brazil. It is owned by the mobility platform FlixMobility GmbH, which operates FlixTrain and FlixCar too.  

They were using the Slack standard plan and wanted to migrate to MS Teams. But the main challenge was that the tenant language was German. We had to configure the tool accordingly and do the migration.  

Business challenges 

  • The client wanted to migrate Slack Channels to MS Team Channels.
  • The Office 365 which the client was using was in the German language.  

How AVASOFT helped? 

  • The client needed to check the migration with 2 Slack Channels POC migration. 
  • Since the client’s Office 365 tenant language was German, we changed the tool config and completed the 2 POC channel migrations. 
  • Once the client confirmed the POC migration we then proceeded with PROD channel migration in the same German language.  
  • During the Slack channel migration, we noticed that the Slack channel JSON response got changed. 
  • We then identified the Slack JSON changes using the tool log, updated the tool immediately and then proceeded with the client migration. 

Business gains 

  • We migrated the Slack channel conversation into the German language Office 365 tenant. 
  • Overcame the Slack JSON response updates and proceed with the migrations. 

Want a similar use case resolved for your company? We can do the migration without any glitches!

Want to know more? Let’s connect!

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