Marketing campaign and lead enhancement for a retail client

Recently, we transformed our client's marketing approach by leveraging Salesforce and Power BI and modernized the application, making tremendous improvements. The results were just smashing and impressive!
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Marketing Campaign and Lead Enhancement for a Retail Client

About the Client

Our client has a leasing business across the United States, providing various retail products like clothing, gadgets, electronic home appliances, and other essential healthcare/beauty needs to customers.

The Problem

  • The client had a legacy architecture with separate systems for maintaining merchant and customer information respectively and it made consolidation of the data very difficult.
  • The system had multiple customer identifiers and this redundancy made it even more complicated to identify the right customers and their products of interest and thus failed to recommend the right product to the right customer.
  • With massive data growth and maintaining the legacy system, real-time reporting and data consolidation were not possible.
  • The client had customers from different backgrounds, and they found it extremely difficult to retain the existing customers and onboard new ones. The reasons varied from budget issues to rejected leasing opportunities.
  • Due to the gaps in their marketing approaches, they also could not reach the target customers.
  • The poor target marketing practices led to low customer onboarding rates and low lead generation opportunities.
  • .

  • As a result, the client was unable to analyze the metrics and understand each customer’s journey through the customer journey platform, build a personalized user experience based on the pre-purchase consumption, develop effective marketing strategies for targeted campaigns and drive suitable action.

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