Mobile EDI: Know the potentials

Mobile EDI implementations are proving to reduce the time for business documents exchange from 1 hour to 15 mins thereby accelerating supply process and make them more effective.  
Reading time: 3 min(s)

Mobile EDI solutions are in the nascent stage and have potential to become a key instrument in the prevalent usage of Electronic Data Interchange in full power. Mobile EDI can be picturized as an era that is emerging and constantly developing to enable a successful exchange of EDI documents via mobile devices.

There had been arguments and discussions on the fact that whether or not a user would like to use his/her mobile device for completion of a purchase order or invoice while not being physically present at office.

The limitations of the mobile devices like the quality and size of the screen are overcome with iPad and tablet computers and these devices are changing the way users interact with in their organization and across a business.

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