Myths in Mobile App Development

Investing more ensures your work done – It is passion and dedication needed for mobile app...
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Myths in Mobile App Development

  1. Investing more ensures your work done – It is passion and dedication needed for mobile app development, the fund is just a secondary factor.
  2. All success stories are based out of unique ideas – Majority of success stories are through smart replication.
  3. Launch the app only when it is completely ready – App launch is just a milestone in a long app development process.
  4. An appealing UI can address the user even when the core functionality is not up to the mark – Solving the core problem is of ultimate importance.
  5. Traditional Media is useless – Small tweak of innovation in traditional media can bring huge results.
  6. Applications can be complicated if it brings in answers to complex solutions – Applicable only when perceived value is greater than the effort.
  7. Great design work is expensive – Actually, it’s quite opposite, Sloppy work is more expensive.
  8. There is many other working solutions like this, we can follow their foot prints – Always think of what difference you bring to the table by challenging your current solution first.
  9. The first in the market is the champion – The leaders in the business are hardly the winners. It is a continuous improvement which raised them successful.
  10. The service must be feature(s) rich to be successful– The service can be precise in one feature but it should be best in doing it.
  11. A large team can create successful apps – Autonomous smaller teams make better business decisions to create a better app.
  12. Deep market study is important – Just go out and test your idea with a stranger.
  13. It takes a long time to implement an idea – It is the passion which defines the time.

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