Quality assurance and testing approach for migration to SharePoint

Migration involves transferring data from one location to another. It is a process of moving data between storage types, formats, or computer systems. This can include moving data from on-premises servers to the cloud or from one application to another.
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Migration Quality Assurance

Migration is the sense of moving the data from one place to the other place. Before starting the actual or incremental migration, inventory details like the number of content database, database size, number of users, items count, source sites, workflows, InfoPath form and custom applications etc. will be pulled from the source. After migration, data verification will be carried by using automated data comparison techniques and manual suites in our migration test strategy will help to find out the defects early and save the cost.

Test Approach

  1. Verification of ListLibrary configuration settings
  2. Users and Groups verification
  3. Source and target content verification
  4. Look and Feel Testing
  5. InfoPath and Workflow testing

Verification of ListLibrary configuration settings

  1. Verification of permission level for the listlibrary is migrated as same from the source to target
  2. Version setting of listlibrary is migrated as per the source (No version, Major or Minor version)
  3. Migration of the views are verified against the conditions specified in the view settings
  4. Verification of CustomLookup columns are migrated properly based on the logics specified in the source system
  5. Advanced settings like Content Type, item level permission, folder creation, attachment, Search, Quick Edit, etc. in the target listlibrary will be verified against the source.

Users and Groups verification

  1. Verify the active users in the source are migrated to the target site
  2. Verify all the groups and its permissions are migrated to the respective target sites with associated users

Source and Target content Verification

  1. Based on the inventory number of sites, subsites, item count, etc. will be verified
  2. ListLibrary name and description will be compared between source and target
  3. ListLibrary values like item name, size, version, etc. and meta data information will be verified against the source
  4. Item level permission will be verified with the source
  5. Created ByModified By details will be verified by comparing with the source
  6. Created DateModified Date will be verified with the source by having the same regional settings information
  7. Verification of attachments in the item is migrated properly
  8. Verification of listlibrary Mandatory fields from the source are migrated properly
  9. Verify the source site links in the application is replaced with the target site URL

Look and Feel Testing

  1. Verify the theming of target site after migration
  2. Menu navigation of the target site should be verified

InfoPath and Workflow testing

  1. Verification of the InfoPath forms are migrated to target site
  2. InfoPath forms will be verified by adding sample item and the field validation will be checked
  3. Verify the default workflow is migrated to the target site and its working as per source
  4. Verification of workflow related data in the target should be matched with the source

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