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Join us at the AVASOFT + Microsoft Tech Summit 2024 on Sep 12 | Microsoft Technology Center | Malvern, PA

Responsive Web Design

See here to know how we are developing Responsive Web
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For more than 50+ customers across globe we have used Responsive Web Designs or Adaptive designs based on their UX needs.

Business Challenge

Design for all devices

With constant increase of devices and evolving experience of human interaction, the user interfaces constantly evolve. Responsive designs requires extra attention and details to build sites, as they are expected to perform well in diverse devices.

How Avasoft Helped?

AVASOFT uses frameworks (like Bootstrap, 960 Grid System and others as requested by customers) to build a responsive application. We used our own design frameworks that uses fluid type layouts. This helps in responsive and adaptive design models.

Our Tech Stack


Value Additions To Customer

  • Single Design for all views
  • Consistent interface and improved navigation.
  • Unified experience across multitude of devices
  • Effective model for branding exercises

Business Gain

World class design at reduced cost

  • Optimal viewing experience irrespective of the devices and its sizes
  • Grow and shrink ability to provide unified experience across devices
  • Constant updates of browsers and view ports of the devices for responsiveness

Vertical Industry

We provide business solutions across all industries.

  • Insurance
  • E-Learning
  • Social Media
  • Manufacturing
  • Health & Pharma
  • E-Governess

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