SharePoint intranet portal, an integrated shared workspace suite

SharePoint portals facilitate document sharing and steer business processes to provide real-time insights and make critical decisions on-the-go.
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Enterprises need continuous access to data and information to execute their business processes and successfully meet deadlines. Employees have started to work using integrated and comprehensive intranet portal solutions that enable internal and external collaboration.  

SharePoint Enterprise Intranet Portals allow employees to store a huge volume of data and documents thereby enabling them to collaboratively work on shared documents reducing redundant tasks.

Being a single platform solution, it builds a strong relationship between employees by allowing them to unleash data and information for business purposes any time when needed. These portals are both directory and sites through which employees productively discover, follow, share, participate and collaboratively work on common business processes.

SharePoint portals are a collection of different business applications that encapsulate document management, content management, project management, enterprise communication, and messaging capabilities. SharePoint portal server comes with many advanced features that can steer business growth and accelerate business processes by enabling enterprises to connect with teams productively. 

Our SharePoint intranet portal solutions can build connected teams and businesses by providing better team accountability, business manageability, and work efficiency. 

Following are the key benefits offered through our SharePoint intranet portal solutions:

Simple User experience:

Simple drag and drop options and easily understandable design allows employees to effortlessly communicate with their peers and teams within the organization.

Agile Business processes:

SharePoint portals can be used to collect and share business information across partners, suppliers, and customers through a web-browser. Additionally, the in-built validation helps enterprises to gather accurate data without any errors or redundancies.

Comprehensive search:

Comprehensive search option available in SharePoint portals allows employees to search for people, information or pages easily. Search results can be made more accurate using spelling corrections, duplicate collapsing, and alerts options. 

Better Workspace productivity:

SharePoint’s out of the box features such as tracking, documentation, reporting capabilities and our custom solutions and enhancements enable enterprises to complete business activities without any hard coding and boost the productivity of tasks.

On the go Decision-making:

SharePoint portals serve as a shared workspace and consolidated document storage and retrieval space that enable teams/enterprises to access the right information at the right time and make informed business decisions without getting lost in piles of unstructured data.

Tight Security:

SharePoint portals can provide role-based privileges and access to enterprises and employees. This can prevent business-sensitive information from unauthorized access and data theft.

Our SharePoint portal solutions can build an integrated suite offering effective document and content management, regulatory and compliance management, complete visibility over day-to-day business activities, comprehensive control over data, shared workspace and more that can accelerate business growth.

SharePoint portals facilitate document sharing and steer business processes to provide real-time insights and make critical decisions on-the-go. Effective collaboration and team-work efficiency can help organizations achieve business goals and objectives within deadlines.

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